• Orchard Town Center (map)
  • 14697 Delaware Street, Suite 850
  • Westminster, CO, 80023
  • United States

Join us at Town Center Square at 11 am to trade your food donation for an Orchard Trick or Treat bag with fun surprises inside (while supplies last). Hang out and play some games, win some prizes and dance to family-friendly Halloween music! Then start your trick or treat journey through The Orchard. Participating stores with candy will have a balloon bouquet at their front door. The first 150 kids will receive a free mini-pumpkin to decorate! Plus, free face painting, balloons, halloween games and prizes, characters, photo opps and more. Bring your furry friend and enter them into the pet parade and costume contest! Orange peel is slated to play the Mad Hatter on stilts for Bling Events.